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Regulation Reference(s)

The Yeastract team, is actively curating each regulation evidence code, association type and environmental condition.
References Evidence
Strain Environmental
Msn4p YBL075C PubMed external link Boy-Marcotte E et al., J Bacteriol, 1998 Mar;180(5):1044-52Boy-Marcotte E et al., J Bacteriol, 1998 Mar;180(5):1044-52 Indirect Proteomics - WT vs TF mutant Positive W303 YNB medium
PubMed external link Cameroni E et al., Cell Cycle, 2004 Apr;3(4):462-8Cameroni E et al., Cell Cycle, 2004 Apr;3(4):462-8 Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c diauxic shift
PubMed external link Lenssen E et al., Mol Cell Biol, 2005 Jan;25(1):488-98Lenssen E et al., Mol Cell Biol, 2005 Jan;25(1):488-98 Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Positive PEY78 YPD medium; the cultures were grown until glucose was exhausted in the medium, and diauxic shift samples were harvested 30 min after glucose exhaustion.
PubMed external link Lai LC et al., Mol Cell Biol, 2005 May;25(10):4075-91Lai LC et al., Mol Cell Biol, 2005 May;25(10):4075-91 Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Negative S288c SSGal-TEA medium + anaerobiosis (2 generations)
PubMed external link Eastmond DL et al., J Biol Chem, 2006 Oct 27;281(43):32909-21Eastmond DL et al., J Biol Chem, 2006 Oct 27;281(43):32909-21 Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Positive W303-1A Cells grown in YPAD at 30.C to mid-log phase (A600 of 0.5) submitted to heat-shock (37.C, 15 min)
PubMed external link Watanabe D et al., Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011 Feb;77(3):934-41Watanabe D et al., Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011 Feb;77(3):934-41 Indirect RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c Sake mash on day 5
PubMed external link Zhang N et al., Open Biol, 2013 May 22;3(5):120137Zhang N et al., Open Biol, 2013 May 22;3(5):120137 Indirect Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c Rapamycin and/or MG132 induced transcription of SSA3
PubMed external link Kuang Z et al., Elife, 2017 Sep 26;6(0):e29938Kuang Z et al., Elife, 2017 Sep 26;6(0):e29938 Direct ChIP-seq N/A BY5764 YPD 30.C
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