The Yeastract team, is actively curating each regulation evidence code, association type and environmental condition.
Transcription Factor |
Target ORF/Genes |
References |
Evidence Code |
Evidence Experiment |
Association Type |
Strain |
Environmental Condition |
Coffman JA et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1996 Mar;16(3):847-58Coffman JA et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1996 Mar;16(3):847-58 |
Indirect |
Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
TCY1 |
Wickerham's minimal medium + proline |
Georis I et al., J Biol Chem, 2008 Apr 4;283(14):8919-29Georis I et al., J Biol Chem, 2008 Apr 4;283(14):8919-29 |
Indirect |
Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
glutamine |
Georis I et al., Genetics, 2009 Mar;181(3):861-74Georis I et al., Genetics, 2009 Mar;181(3):861-74 |
Direct |
ChIP |
N/A |
25T0b, FV090, FV069, FV076, 03740c, 03803c |
YNB-glutamine medium treated with rapamycin (0.2 microg/ml) for 30 min |
Indirect |
RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
FV023 |
YNB-glutamine medium treated with rapamycin (0.2 microg/ml) for 30 min |
Georis I et al., Mol Cell Biol, 2011 Jan;31(1):92-104Georis I et al., Mol Cell Biol, 2011 Jan;31(1):92-104 |
Direct |
ChIP |
N/A |
S288c |
Rapamycin treatment |
Georis I et al., J Biol Chem, 2011 Dec 30;286(52):44897-912Georis I et al., J Biol Chem, 2011 Dec 30;286(52):44897-912 |
Indirect |
RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
Rapamycin treatment |
Fayyadkazan M et al., Microbiologyopen, 2014 Jun;3(3):271-87Fayyadkazan M et al., Microbiologyopen, 2014 Jun;3(3):271-87 |
Indirect |
RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
cells grown in YPD medium and then treated with rapamycin o transferred to proline medium. |
Georis I et al., RNA Biol, 2015;12(8):824-37Georis I et al., RNA Biol, 2015;12(8):824-37 |
Indirect |
RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
cells grown in YNB medium with glutamine with (Rap) or without (Gln) rapamycin treatment. DAL5 mRNA levels were quantified by quantitative RT-PCR with primer pair DAL5O1-O2. |
Fayyad-Kazan M et al., Mol Microbiol, 2016 Jan;99(2):360-79Fayyad-Kazan M et al., Mol Microbiol, 2016 Jan;99(2):360-79 |
Indirect |
RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
cells were grown in am or ammonium and glutamine medium. |
Zhao X(1,) et al., Sci Rep, 2016;():Zhao X(1,) et al., Sci Rep, 2016;(): |
Indirect |
RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
YNB medium, with glutamine or proline |
Hong J et al., Elife, 2018 Apr 5;7(0):e32323Hong J et al., Elife, 2018 Apr 5;7(0):e32323 |
Indirect |
RNA-seq - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
FY4 |
Cells cultured in ammonium-limited chemostats |