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Regulation Reference(s)

The Yeastract team, is actively curating each regulation evidence code, association type and environmental condition.
References Evidence
Strain Environmental
Met4p YLR303W PubMed external link O'Connell KF et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1995;():O'Connell KF et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1995;(): Indirect Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c Yeast cells were pregrown in 1.0 mM methionine-containing medium before being shifted into medium lacking methionine or, as the control, back into fresh methionine-containing medium.
PubMed external link Kuras L et al., EMBO J, 1997 May 1;16(9):2441-51Kuras L et al., EMBO J, 1997 May 1;16(9):2441-51 Indirect LacZ - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c B medium 0,05mM methionine
PubMed external link Kaiser P et al., Cell, 2000 Aug 4;102(3):303-14Kaiser P et al., Cell, 2000 Aug 4;102(3):303-14 Direct ChIP N/A S288c N/A
PubMed external link Aranda A et al., Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004 Apr;70(4):1913-22Aranda A et al., Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004 Apr;70(4):1913-22 Indirect Western blot - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c 1 g/L acetaldehyde (1H)
Indirect Western blot - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c log-phase growth; 2 % glucose YPD
PubMed external link Barbey R et al., EMBO J, 2005 Feb 9;24(3):521-32Barbey R et al., EMBO J, 2005 Feb 9;24(3):521-32 Indirect Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c Rich YPD Medium + 0,5mM Cadmium
PubMed external link Thorsen M et al., Physiol Genomics, 2007 Jun 19;30(1):35-43Thorsen M et al., Physiol Genomics, 2007 Jun 19;30(1):35-43 Indirect Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant Positive W303-1A 0.2 mM As(III), 1 h
Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Positive W303-1A 0.2 mM As(III), 1 h
PubMed external link Lee TA et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2010 Feb 1;21(3):456-69Lee TA et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2010 Feb 1;21(3):456-69 Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Positive W303 minimal B-media + 0.5 mM methionine
PubMed external link Cormier L et al., Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Aug;38(15):4998-5014Cormier L et al., Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Aug;38(15):4998-5014 Direct ChIP N/A W303 Isogenic strain expressing Myc-tagged version of Met4 was grown to early log phase in YPD medium and exposed to 0.5mM Cd2+.
PubMed external link Tyrrell A et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010 Nov 16;107(46):19796-801Tyrrell A et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010 Nov 16;107(46):19796-801 Indirect RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c methionine depletion
PubMed external link Hickman MJ et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(21):4192-204Hickman MJ et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(21):4192-204 Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c YPD medium; mid-log phase
PubMed external link McIsaac RS et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(22):4447-59McIsaac RS et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(22):4447-59 Indirect Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant Positive S288c pulse of beta-estradiol
PubMed external link Ndoja A et al., Mol Cell, 2014 Mar 20;53(6):893-903Ndoja A et al., Mol Cell, 2014 Mar 20;53(6):893-903 Direct ChIP N/A S288c 3xHA-tagged Met4 or Met4(K163R) were expressed from the GAL promoter with Myc-tagged at the endogenous CDC48 locus for 40 min and then cells were fixed for ChIP analysis.
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