Transcription Factor |
Target ORF/Genes |
References |
Evidence Code |
Evidence Experiment |
Association Type |
Strain |
Environmental Condition |
O'Connell KF et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1995;():O'Connell KF et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1995;(): |
Indirect |
Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
Yeast cells were pregrown in 1.0 mM methionine-containing medium before being shifted into medium lacking methionine or, as the control, back into fresh methionine-containing medium. |
Kuras L et al., EMBO J, 1997 May 1;16(9):2441-51Kuras L et al., EMBO J, 1997 May 1;16(9):2441-51 |
Indirect |
LacZ - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
B medium 0,05mM methionine |
Kaiser P et al., Cell, 2000 Aug 4;102(3):303-14Kaiser P et al., Cell, 2000 Aug 4;102(3):303-14 |
Direct |
ChIP |
N/A |
S288c |
N/A |
Aranda A et al., Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004 Apr;70(4):1913-22Aranda A et al., Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004 Apr;70(4):1913-22 |
Indirect |
Western blot - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
1 g/L acetaldehyde (1H) |
Indirect |
Western blot - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
log-phase growth; 2 % glucose YPD |
Barbey R et al., EMBO J, 2005 Feb 9;24(3):521-32Barbey R et al., EMBO J, 2005 Feb 9;24(3):521-32 |
Indirect |
Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
Rich YPD Medium + 0,5mM Cadmium |
Thorsen M et al., Physiol Genomics, 2007 Jun 19;30(1):35-43Thorsen M et al., Physiol Genomics, 2007 Jun 19;30(1):35-43 |
Indirect |
Northern blot - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
W303-1A |
0.2 mM As(III), 1 h |
Indirect |
Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
W303-1A |
0.2 mM As(III), 1 h |
Lee TA et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2010 Feb 1;21(3):456-69Lee TA et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2010 Feb 1;21(3):456-69 |
Indirect |
Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
W303 |
minimal B-media + 0.5 mM methionine |
Cormier L et al., Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Aug;38(15):4998-5014Cormier L et al., Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Aug;38(15):4998-5014 |
Direct |
ChIP |
N/A |
W303 |
Isogenic strain expressing Myc-tagged version of Met4 was grown to early log phase in YPD medium and exposed to 0.5mM Cd2+. |
Tyrrell A et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010 Nov 16;107(46):19796-801Tyrrell A et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010 Nov 16;107(46):19796-801 |
Indirect |
RT-PCR - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
methionine depletion |
Hickman MJ et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(21):4192-204Hickman MJ et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(21):4192-204 |
Indirect |
Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
YPD medium; mid-log phase |
McIsaac RS et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(22):4447-59McIsaac RS et al., Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Nov;22(22):4447-59 |
Indirect |
Microarray analysis - WT vs TF mutant |
Positive |
S288c |
pulse of beta-estradiol |
Ndoja A et al., Mol Cell, 2014 Mar 20;53(6):893-903Ndoja A et al., Mol Cell, 2014 Mar 20;53(6):893-903 |
Direct |
ChIP |
N/A |
S288c |
3xHA-tagged Met4 or Met4(K163R) were expressed from the GAL promoter with Myc-tagged at the endogenous CDC48 locus for 40 min and then cells were fixed for ChIP analysis. |