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Regulation Reference(s)

The Yeastract team, is actively curating each regulation evidence code, association type and environmental condition.
References Evidence
Strain Environmental
Gln3p YNL142W PubMed external link Marini AM et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1997 Aug;17(8):4282-93Marini AM et al., Mol Cell Biol, 1997 Aug;17(8):4282-93 Indirect lacZ - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288c 0,1% Glutamine (nitrogen source)
PubMed external link Shamji AF et al., Curr Biol, 2000 Dec 14-28;10(24):1574-81Shamji AF et al., Curr Biol, 2000 Dec 14-28;10(24):1574-81 Indirect Microarray analysis - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288c 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD
PubMed external link Harbison CT et al., Nature, 2004 Sep 2;431(7004):99-104Harbison CT et al., Nature, 2004 Sep 2;431(7004):99-104 Direct Chip-on-chip N/A S288c N/A
PubMed external link Hirasaki M et al., Gene, 2008;():Hirasaki M et al., Gene, 2008;(): Indirect RT-PCR - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288c YPAD + 14mM Caffeine 1h
PubMed external link Staschke KA et al., J Biol Chem, 2010 May 28;285(22):16893-911Staschke KA et al., J Biol Chem, 2010 May 28;285(22):16893-911 Indirect Microarray analysis - wt vs TF mutant Positive EG328-1A RNA prepared from wt and DELTAgcn2DELTAgln3 cells treated for 1 h with 200 nM Rapamycin
Indirect Microarray analysis - wt vs TF mutant Positive EG328-1A RNA prepared from wt and DELTAgcn4DELTAgln3 cells treated for 1 h with 200 nM Rapamycin
Indirect Microarray analysis - wt vs TF mutant Positive EG328-1A RNA prepared from wt and DELTAgln3 cells treated for 1 h with 200 nM Rapamycin
PubMed external link Fayyadkazan M et al., Microbiologyopen, 2014 Jun;3(3):271-87Fayyadkazan M et al., Microbiologyopen, 2014 Jun;3(3):271-87 Indirect RT-PCR - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288c cells grown in YPD medium and then treated with rapamycin o transferred to proline medium.
PubMed external link Numamoto M et al., J Biosci Bioeng, 2015 Aug;120(2):121-7Numamoto M et al., J Biosci Bioeng, 2015 Aug;120(2):121-7 Indirect RT-PCR - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288c DELTAgln3 carrying or not a plasmid pRS316-GLN3S391D-Myc13 incubated in YPDA medium, supplemented with 5 mM caffeine for 30 min
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