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Regulation Reference(s)

The Yeastract team, is actively curating each regulation evidence code, association type and environmental condition.
References Evidence
Strain Environmental
Sfp1p YGR085C PubMed external link Marion RM et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2004;():Marion RM et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2004;(): Direct Chip-on-chip N/A S288c N/A
PubMed external link Jorgensen P et al., Genes Dev, 2004 Oct 15;18(20):2491-505Jorgensen P et al., Genes Dev, 2004 Oct 15;18(20):2491-505 Indirect Northern blot - wt vs TF overexpression Negative S288C Cells were grown to log phase in XY 2% raffinose. Galactose was then added to 2% and the sample was harvested 30 minutes later.
Indirect Northern blot - wt vs TF overexpression Negative S288C Cells were grown to log phase in XY 2% raffinose. Galactose was then added to 2% and the sample was harvested 45 minutes later.
Indirect Northern blot - wt vs TF overexpression Negative S288C Cells were grown to log phase in XY 2% raffinose. Galactose was then added to 2% and the sample was harvested 60 minutes later.
Indirect Microarray analysis - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288C Cells were grown for 8hrs in log phase in rich glucose media and harvested.
PubMed external link Gertz J et al., Genome Res, 2005 Aug;15(8):1145-52Gertz J et al., Genome Res, 2005 Aug;15(8):1145-52 Indirect Microarray analysis - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288c Mid-exponential phase cells cultivated in YPD growth medium
PubMed external link Reimand J et al., Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Aug;38(14):4768-77Reimand J et al., Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Aug;38(14):4768-77 Indirect Microarray analysis - wt vs TF mutant Positive S288c YPD medium; mid-log phase
PubMed external link , , ;():, , ;(): Direct ChIP-seq N/A W303 YP ( galactose as carbon source)
Direct ChIP-seq N/A W303 YP ( glucose as carbon source)
Direct ChIP-seq N/A W303 YP ( raffinose as carbon source)
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